In front and behind the camera

That’s always been my dilemma. I was 19. After a summer contributing to a local radio station for the first time, I landed at my town’s local radio. “Hi”, I said, “I’d like to collaborate”. “Great!”, they replied, “Would you rather be in front of the microphone or behind the controls?”.

I couldn’t make up my mind. “Hmm”, I hesitated, “I’m good with both”. “Then you’re going behind the sound mixer. We’re desperate for good sound engineers”.

That’s the story of my life. I’m always in between, with one foot in each side of the spectrum. Too technical for creative people and too creative for technical people. Too spiritual for intellectual people and too intellectual for spiritual people. I don’t know how, I always end up being “too much” for people.

Albert, testing broadcast equipment for TV3 Televisió de Catalunya in London.
Albert, testing broadcast equipment for TV3 Televisió de Catalunya in London.

So what? I can be behind and in front of the camera at the same time! I am ambivalent, or multipotential, or whichever adjective you want to throw at me. Which is a problem in a hyper-specialised world where you’re supposed to fit in a well-labelled and clearly identifiable box.

So here I am. My name is Albert and I am all over the place. I am a lion with gazelle eyes. That’s what allows me to focus on communication with a wide perspective. Using all the instruments, skills, media and tools available. Because communication is the cosmic soup for growth.